Our government no longer represents the people. You are probably right, anarchy is probably what would wipe the slate clean, so to speak. Give us a reboot. Texas is one of several states that currently want to secede from America due to the changing laws in immigration, healthcare, and taxes; basically because they want to practice their idea of good laws. If you consider the Civil War, it was the south that wanted to secede from the north because they didn’t want the laws that included nonwhites as equals; some probably considered them anarchists but they had their own fashion of government, albeit less civilized. That meant war and I smell war now.
My concern is this, true-blue anarchists could turn criminal and justify their actions similarly as was done in the wild west, thus leading to needing a marshall. I don’t want someone justifying an action (robbing, killing, owning) against me because they felt I owed them in some way; anarchy is self-law. If I am willing to live the anarchist way, ultimately I have to ask myself if I am willing to take someone’s life to protect my own. I’ve been asked that question several times over the years and I have never been able to say a definite yes, I always hesitate. There is sacrifice and loss in all movements. I might be able to tolerate anarchy temporarily to get rid of our current government but I would fight for a Christian guided government. After what has happened to America, I would not want to live in a secular country again.
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