Wednesday, October 5, 2011

What is happening to our world????

Legalizing incest in Sweden

Legalized stealing

Legalized prostitution

What? Are we legalizing pedophilia too?

Other pedophiles are "good people who are struggling," said Dr. Fred Berlin, a psychiatrist who heads the Johns Hopkins Sexual Behaviors Consultation Unit.

Isaiah 5:20 Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.

After reading these articles, my soul is and will be for a long time convicted, downcast, despondent, because Satan was not alone in the destruction of America, of the world, he had the help of the apathetic Christian and the enthusiastic deviant dogs and pigs that are hell-bent on destroying all the good in God's creation. Christians have sacrificed their holiness for their happiness by justifying divorce, excused and even at times justified adultery (sex with someone you aren’t married to), and have embraced same-sex relations as normal, and have betrayed God by adulterating His design of marriage of one man and one woman. What once brought revulsion is considered "normal", so now other sexual deviants want to be considered normal too. Be careful with your children. The pedophiles are moving closer to their rights to molest.

Though not all, there are many in the Christian community whom have excused murder of the innocent (abortion) as a magnanimous restitution for the victims of rape and incest. It is the Christian who has allowed lawyers to make an art of lying, and allowed bankers and politicians to buy and sell laws that make stealing legal (example: eminent domain, unrepresented taxes to pay for bailouts!, market crashes). It is the Christian that has fallen away from God's law and allowed the world to mold us into its image.

By apathy, it is the Christian that has allowed the destruction of America. Remember that God says who and what not to have sex with and what things and actions are detestable (Leviticus 18 and 20, Deuteronomy 23, etc), I am wondering if we need to send Switzerland and Massachusetts a Bible? I doubt that most Christians even read their Bible. I know there are many Christians who do not own a Bible let alone teach it to their children. In my own family there are aunts, uncles, and adult cousins who barely dust their Bibles let alone read them or teach them to their children. I pray that the Holy Spirit will break through to them. I pray they turn back to our loving Father.

Btw, Massachusetts is one of the original American 13 colonies, the residents of which were almost all Christian, but it took less than 400 years to go from a strict puritan life to what we call our current decadent reality. I am ashamed to have been part of the problem. Are you ashamed? You don't have to be any longer. Make a commitment to return to glorify our Father with our lives.

God loves us. He wants us to be happy so in His word He told us how to live a good life. I am going to make the changes to my life that will reflect God’s design, starting with getting to know God through His word and showing Him that I love Him back by living the way He created me to live. I want Him to know me,  to see that I have good fruit. I hope you do to.

Please pass this on.

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