Monday, January 9, 2012

Are we doing what Jesus would do?

Why are there double standards in the Christian community? I'm not talking about the secular government. I am talking about the souls of God's family.

Why is it okay to say don't do drugs, don't steal, don't lie but it's not okay to say, don't have sex with people you aren't married to? Are we raising our children to respect the holiness of marriage? Not if we are accepting of adultery.

Why is it okay to say don't murder but not okay to say don't kill a baby? I know Christians who excuse some abortions and even use birth control/hormone therapy which is the same as an abortion because one of the 4 ways it prevents pregnancy isn't prevention at all but instead it ensures a woman has her period so that in the event she does get pregnant the baby is still small enough to be aborted. Did you know that? Now that you do, tell everyone. Christians must educated themselves because the ruler of this world is Satan (John 12:31, 14:30) and he is a liar and he deceives (John 8:44).

I've been thinking more about God's family vs. our family; can we be both? I believe we can. This link shows a gal talking about 3 generations in her family that are out in the world to preach the Word. It's only about 60 seconds long but it impacted me to believe in the hope that our family can be 3 generations that totally believe in God's Word and preaches it fearlessly!!

I do know who Jesus calls His family; those who do God's will.

What is God's will? That none should perish. Who are we keeping from perishing? Can we name one person that we've preached the Good News to and baptized?? Are we the light of the world or are we just of the world?

The Bible tells us what Jesus did and what He said to do, so I know He would expect us to speak against divorce and for waiting until marriage and the joy living God's ways brings to a life. I know He would expect us to give thanks before we eat, I know He would expect us to call sin a sin and to not accept it but to expose it (Ephesians 5:11). In love, He wants us to teach our family to pray and to talk about His ways (Deuteronomy 6:7; 11:19) every day and all day. So can we honestly go to our family get together(s) and be silent but still claim to be part of God's family? Even when Jesus whipped people and kicked over the money tables and set free all the animals in the most holy place, the temple, He did it in love. The Bible tells us that it is God's will that no one perish. What will make someone perish? Not accepting Jesus as their savior.

What would Jesus say about our family? If He looked us in the eye and gave us a command, what would He tell us to say to them? Would He say, "Just smile and if someone asks you about me, tell them I love them, then give 'em a piece of fried chicken and a hug."

No, I do not think Jesus would say that.

Because of God's Word, we know what Jesus did and we know what He would do, so we have to ask ourselves, are we doing what Jesus would do? When we are with our family, both Christian and non, we have to preach so they can find out what God says, and so we always know who we are in Christ.

I know God's Word is offensive to many in our family, they don't want to hear it but it is good for them. I do not want Jesus saying to me, "You are not part of my family because you produced no fruit or the fruit you produced was bad fruit, I never knew you. Get out of my face sinner!" (Matthew 7:20-23)

Are you of the world or of Christ's family?

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