Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Will Power is an Action

When I feel hungry, I always wish that I could hold out for just a little while longer. Whether I do or not is entirely up to my current situation. 

Regardless of what situation that I am in, I want the will power to eat every other day or every eight hours or so. I know that I can live on less than half the calories that I usually take in. I’ve been practicing with the hCG drops. My ability to not eat for longer periods of time is increasing. I still overeat, though.
My goal is to occupy my time with positive activities that will encourage not eating. Such as, jewelry making, less blogging, and jogging/walking and less TV watching. I blog enough and have exercised in the past, so picking it back up again is doable. I need to start making jewelry. I’ll start with a pair of earrings. Maybe I should take up an activity that requires walking or at least not sitting. 

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