Wednesday, October 30, 2013

It's All Greek to Me

Yahweh calls us to study His word night and day (Deuteronomy 6). Growing up, my family rarely spoke about Yahweh, but when they did it was the fire-and-brimstone-burner-of-sinners God. So, I really wasn’t into studying about Him as much as I was into hiding my bad deeds from Him. My exasperated mother would say, “Can’t you give God one hour a week?!”

Well, now that I have a relationship with Yahweh, I want to learn as much about Him as possible. I started to read the lexicons alongside with my Bible reading, which has really helped to learn what Yahweh meant when He said what He said. Everyone should be using the lexicons.

This week, I learned the meaning behind the word sorcerer. Revelation 22:15 uses the word pharmakos, meaning one who makes potions. Pharmakos were those who were involved in human sacrifices. A modern-day example are the abortionists who use chemicals to kill babies. Another example would be psychologists who use chemicals to change people’s moods (some of the medicines they use have warnings of suicidal thoughts). Let’s not forget the drug dealers who sell addictive drugs to ensure a person sacrifices everything (their family, well-being, even their souls) for their next high.

Pharmakos is alive and working their black magic even today.

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